The goal of the Yoga Experience India Teacher training course is to provide in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of Classical Hatha Yoga and its aspects like Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga along with proper teaching skills. The teacher training course prepares the students to build their own Yoga practice as well as gives confidence to teach others.
In addition, the course also covers the knowledge and skills required to successfully take up Yoga as career. In this section we discuss about teaching Yoga professionally by opening own Yoga school / Yoga studio or by finding suitable job as a Yoga teacher. For those who wish to start their own Yoga center these discussions are extremely helpful as they discuss ideas and experiences on how to find suitable location, advertise / promote, maintain and avoid common mistakes in running a Yoga Studio.
Why intensive Yoga course of four weeks?
Closely supervised by the teacher, the student works physically and mentally and acquires the full experience of Yogic lifestyle. This way the rich tradition and wisdom of Yoga is being soaked up and integrated by the student.
The student is required to live with simple and basic facilities and limited communication with outer world. This helps the student to keep his mind away from his regular life distractions and attachments and focus completely on the teachings and self-reflection, hence increasing his learning capabilities by many degrees.
Yoga Experience India Ashram follow international standard for 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training programs which includes:
- Techniques
- Philosophy, lifestyle & ethics
- Teaching methodology
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Teaching practicum
- Asanas and Deep Relaxation
- Pranayama (Traditional Yogic Breathing Practices)
- Meditation Practices and Techniques
- Mudras & Bandh, Kriyas (Yogic Health & Purification Practices)
- Mantra, Chanting, Bhajans & Kirtan
1. Techniques
Our trainees will learn about its benefits, checkpoints and contraindications, as well as the learn how to teach, assist, adjust and correct to other students.
Asanas and Deep Relaxation
Yoga teacher trainee students will learn major 8 kinds of pranayama ‘breathings’ techniques. Each breathing will be taught with emphasis on technique, duration, ratio, physical and psychic awareness, contra- indications and benefits.
Teacher trainees will learn Anulom-Viloma, Nadishodhan, Ujjai, Bhramari, Shitali, Shitkari, Bhastrika and Kapalbhati also they will learn how to perform these pranayamas with the bandhas (retention or Kumbhaka).
Trainee students will learn five techniques of each breathing from beginners to advanced levels with explanation how to perform them and how to use for their clients.
- normal breathing
- full yogic breathing
- nadishodhan
- Anulom vilom
- Surya bhedi
- Bhramari
- Bhastrik
- Ujjayi
YTT students will learn and be guided into practice of 6 meditation techniques in accordance with each Chakra plus 5 additional practices of different meditations with emphasis on background, techniques & benefits.
What is Mediation
Meditation is a tool for the re-discovery of the body’s own inner intelligence. Practiced for thousands of years, it’s not about forcing the mind to be quiet, it’s finding the silence that’s already there and making it a part of your life. From this field of pure potentiality we get our bursts of inspiration, our most intuitive thoughts, and our deepest sense of connection to the universe.From the ancient times the sages has try to explain the art of connecting with supreme present in the self by various methods by the ways of sutra.
“tatra pratyayaika-tânatâ dhyânam” II patanjali yoga sutra II III : 2 II
In meditative absorption, the entire perceptual flow is aligned with that object.
Mediation is a process and it involves subject and object, subject is the person who is concentrating where as object is in which the person is concentrating .so we can say mediation is focusing our mind towards one particular thing or we can say in this state when the mind has one pointed focus.
In yoga sutra patanjali says :-
“tad evârtha-mâtra-nirbhâsaä svarûpa-åûnyam iva samâdhiï ” || patanjali yoga sutra || III : 3 ||
“trayam ekatra saäyamaï ” || patanjali yoga sutra || III : 4 ||
When only the essential nature of the object shines forth, as if formless, integration has arisen;Concentration, meditative absorption, and integration regarding a single object comprise the perfect discipline of consciousness.
Meditation is not about doing something; rather it is about doing nothing. Meditation is a state of awareness. It brings stability, happiness, clarity and peace of mind and help him in realization of self.
One thing has to be remembered about meditation; it is a long journey and there is no shortcut. Anyone who says there is a shortcut is befooling you. It is a long journey because the change is very deep and is achieved after many lives – many lives of routine habits, thinking, desiring. And the mind structure; that you have to do. Meditation is not a seasonal flower which within six weeks is there. It is a very very big tree. It needs time to spread its roots. Whenever we stop watering the tree it will get dry and die.
Mudra & Bandhas
The practice of Bandha “controlling” and “locking’ the energy (Prana), and directing it upwards to the uniting of Prana and Apana to energy channel and then into the Shushumnanadi; Mudra “gestures” to channelis the energy in nadis. we put an emphasis on technique, contra-indications and benefits.We explain that it is necessary to teach and learn which helps to practice further kriya, mudra and pranayama.
Mudra and bandh
Mudra and bandha
The sanskrit word Mudra is translated as “gesture “ or “attitude” . “Mud “ means delight or pleasure and “druvay “means to draw forth . It can be described as psychic ,emotional , devotional and esthetic gesture or attitude .Bandha means to hold , lighten or lock .the bandhas redirect prana and stroe it by blocking the flow in certain areas of the body ,thus forcing it to flow or accumulate in other areas .During the practice ,Certain parts of the body are contracted..This action also massages and stimulates the muscles ,organs ,glands and nerves associated with that specific area .Its help in expanding the pranic field which is concentrated around the chakra and activating kundakine shakti .
- Mulabandha
- Jalandarabandha
- Uddiyanabandha
- Mahabandha
YTTC students will learn information and practice of the shatkriyas “six body cleansing methods”: which are emphasis on techniques, practice and theory, variations, awareness, contra-indications, benefits, etc. We will explain also how to use kriya in daily life.
Kriyas (shatkarma)
meda-śleṣhmādhikaḥ pūrvaṃ ṣhaṭ-karmāṇi samācharet |
anyastu nācharettāni doṣhāṇāṃ samabhāvataḥ || Hatha pradeepika || 2/21||
|| If there be excess of fat or phlegm in the body, the six kinds of kriyâs (duties) should be performed first. But others, not suffering from the excess of these, should not perform them.||
Shatkarma. shat means ‘six’ and karma means ‘ action’ the shatkarma consists of six group of purification process .the aim of the shatkarma (and hatha yoga) is to create harmony between ida and pingla (nadis).there by attaining physical and mental purification and balance.
They are used to purify the body of toxins and to ensure safe and successful progression along the spiritual path and to balance the three dosha or humours in the body : kapha (mucus ),pitta (bile or fire),and vata( wind ).
- Jala neti
- Sutra neti
- kapalabhati
- Vamana dhauti
- agnishara
- Nauli
Mantra, Chanting, Bhajans & Kirtan
Mantra, Chanting, Bhajans & Kirtan
Yoga Teacher Trainees will learn to chant and present yogic mantras in the beginning and ending of yoga classes. Also we teach how to use mantra to purify and balance the chakras. Also we will give you techniques of Mantra Dhyana.
|| tasya vâcakaï prañavaï || patanjali yoga sutra || I/27||
Isvara is represented by a sound, om.
|| taj-japas tad-artha-bhâvanam || patanjali yoga sutra || I/28||
Through repetition its meaning becomes clear.
At the beginning of creation mahaprana (suprime) manifested and sound also come into being with the first movement of cosmic energy the first sound manifested which was “ om ” this transcendental sound also called “nada”.the higest level of the medium of energy or prana and nada in the process of creation ,sound is one of the ,best vehicles for the transmission of prana shakti.
Mantra are cosmic sounds , sounds that vibrate at particular frequency in each dimension of the personality and with a particular psychic center .Normally one hears sound only within a certain range.beyond or better of that range change the frequency and sound cannot be heard,however ,in the causal state of consciousness one become more sensitive and begins to hear and see many things ,what one hears are mantra and what one sees are yantras.
śrūyate prathamābhyāse nādo nānā-vidho mahān |
tato|abhyāse vardhamāne śrūyate sūkṣhma-sūkṣhmakaḥ || Hatha yoga pradipika ||4/84||
In the beginning, the sounds heard are of great variety and very loud; but, as the practice increases, they become more and more subtle.
Sound is a form of energy that has frequency , pitch ,volume and tone as well as substle qualities .the pranas are the orientation of pranic flows or emphasized ,so that the mind and perception changes. when you start flowing in the energy of mantra fully inwardly and outwardly u start getting perfection and results of that mantra.
tāvadākāśa-sangkalpo yāvachchabdaḥ pravartate |
niḥśabdaṃ tat-paraṃ brahma paramāteti ghīyate || hatha yoga pradipika ||4/ 101 ||
So long as the sounds continue, there is the idea of âkâśa. When they disappear, then it is called Para Brahma, Paramâtmana.
- Om mantra
- Gayatri mantra
- Ganesh mantra
- Kalayna mantra
- Moksha mantra
- Shakti mantra
- Poorna mantra (finishing mantra)
2. Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics:
We will explain and introduce the origin of Yoga, Hatha Yoga,
- Yoga sutra of Patanjali,
- (4 paths), Yama, Niyama and how can you apply them into modern life-style;
- Theory of Evolution( Sankhya Yoga):-Purusha ,Prakriti, Intellect, Ego-sense, Mind,
- Three Gunas, Five senses , Five organs of action, Five elements,
- ,Five major types of Prana and the role & location and Five Sub-Prana – five subtle elements,
- Panch Kosha (Five layer in over consciousness),
- Kundalini, Granthi(knot), Nadis ,Chakra according to Hatha-yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Shiva Samhita
- Bhagavadgita (Karma Yoga and Bhakti yoga).
YTTC students will learn yogic way of living a life by waking-up and sleeping early ,yogic diet ,silence, fasting , discipline and awareness and through Karma Yoga they will learn the art of giving which will spread peace ,love, joy and life of others . These are helpful elements during your practice and achievements
atyāhāraḥ prayāsaścha prajalpo niyamāghrahaḥ |
jana-sangghaścha laulyaṃ cha ṣhaḍbhiryogho vinaśyati || Hatha yoga pradipika || I/15||
Yoga is destroyed by the following six causes:—Over-eating, exertion, talkativeness, adhering to rules, i.e., cold bath in the morning, eating at night, or eating fruits only, company of men, and unsteadiness.
“ahara shuddhau sattva shuddih |
Sattva shuddhau druvasmrtih || In Upanishads ||
When the food we take in is pure ,our minds become pure ,when our minds become pure memory becomes steady.
3. Teaching methodology
Practical teaching methodology includes how to demonstrate poses, observe the class and assist other students. We will also teach the importance of correct language which is used to describe positions and teachings.
4. Anatomy and Physiology
YTT trainees will learn a proper understanding of the body structure, how they are related and function in Anatomy and Physiology, which is an important part in yoga to understand how the body functions in relation to yoga poses, pranayama, yogic purification , Bandhas, meditation and diet which will help to understand more clearly about the body and about the yogic science.
Understanding the science behind the poses is not an imperative part of the practice of yoga; however, learning how your body works and functions can help you as a yoga practitioner, regardless of whether you are a beginner or an advanced student, so our YTTC trainees will learn these major Anatomy & Physiology system of body :
- Cells and tissue
- Digestive system
- Respiratory system
- Nerves system
- Circulatory system
- Musculoskeletal system
5. Practicum
YTT students will learn how to teach asana, pranayama, etc. and how to manage the structure of daily yogic practice for themselves and for their clients from beginning to intermediate levels)